Designated Substances and Hazard

The requirement of a detailed list of Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials is to be prepared in accordance with Section 30 of the OH&S Act.

All project and construction work that is conducted in Ontario must follow in accordance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OH&S ACT”) R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER O.1.  According to this Act, Section 30 outlines the Duty of Project Owners which includes:

30. (1)  Before beginning a project, the owner shall determine whether any designated substances are present at the project site and shall prepare a list of all designated substances that are present at the site.


30. (2) If any work on a project is tendered, the person issuing the tenders shall include, as part of the tendering information, a copy of the list referred to in subsection (1).



30. (3) An owner shall ensure that a prospective constructor of a project on the owner’s property has received a copy of the list referred to in subsection (1) before entering into a binding contract with the constructor.


Prior to starting any Construction work, contact Coast to Coast Environmental for FREE direction and infomation.